京剧被称为中国的国粹(national opera), 起源于18世纪晚期,是将音乐、舞蹈、艺术和杂技(acrobatics)综合于一体的戏曲。在中国,京剧是所有戏曲中最有影响力和代表性的戏曲。中国的京剧有着200多年的历史,是中国的名族瑰宝。京剧有着丰富的剧目(repertoire)、众多的表演艺术家和大批的观众,在中国有着其他戏曲无法匹及的深远影响。京剧剧目主要讲述前朝传说故事,其中包括古代重要的历史事件以及王侯将相、才子佳人的故事,讲述从尧、舜、禹,春秋战国群雄并起的历史时期到秦、汉、隋、唐、宋、元、明、清等多朝代的历史故事。
Part I Writing
文章开篇提出在青少年成长过程中,很多人都起到了非常重要的作用。一部分人认为父母重要,其原因在于孩子从小和父母在一起,他们受到很大影响而不自知。第二段讨论不同的观点,即认为同龄人对青少年的影响更大。因为青少年喜欢和朋友一起玩,喜欢互相学习,喜欢追逐流行。第三段谈论作者本人的观点。首先肯定两方观点都有合理的部分,青少年孩提时代和父母在一起,父母的所作所为为孩子以后的发展奠定了基础,也影响了孩子的价值观和世界观。 当孩子长大时,他们需要独立和认同,需要得到同龄人的认可,受到朋友的影响更多一些。所以得出结论:父母和朋友对青少年的影响都很大,只是在不同的阶段。
Many parties are occupying important positions in the growth of the young. Some people think that the parents are the most essential in this process, arguing that the young have been together with their parents since birth and that they are influenced without their notice.
Other people hold the opinion that the peers of the young play a major role in their growing up. The young prefer to hang out with their friends, like to learn from one another, and are more likely to follow the so-called "fashion". Of course, both views have an element of reason. In the first few years of life, the young see whatever their parents are doing and learn from them, which lays a basic foundation for their later development as well as their value on life, their outlook. When they grow older, they have a sense of independence and identity. They want to be recognized as members of certain groups. Thus, both parents and friends greatly affect the young, but in different stages.