

CNN NEWS:奥巴马总统呼吁关闭关塔那摩监狱

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2016-03-15 10:11


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  [by:www.tingvoa.com - VOA英语网]


  [00:10.43]The week is rolling along.

  [00:12.87]I'm Carl Azuz, welcoming you to Wednesday's edition of CNN STUDENT NEWS.

  [00:16.63]Our first story centers on a detention facility, a prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

  [00:22.53]It's operated by the United States.

  [00:24.26]It's part of the U.S. naval base on land that America has leased from Cuba since 1903.

  [00:29.78]To start, we're covering the plan.

  [00:32.24]Yesterday, President Obama called for the detention facility at Guantanamo to be closed.

  [00:38.46]The U.S. government has identified 13 potential places where officials can transfer the remaining prisoners.

  [00:44.75]There are about 91 of them there.

  [00:46.42]But no specific location was proposed.

  [00:49.29]This isn't the first time the president has pushed for Guantanamo's closure.

  [00:53.29]When President Obama was elected in 2008, he vowed that he will close Guantanamo Bay within a year.


  [01:00.27]KAYYEM: Seven years later, that has not happened.

  [01:02.45]SUBTITLE: Closing Guantanamo Bay detention camp.

  [01:07.90]KAYYEM: Let's start from the beginning.

  [01:08.45]The Guantanamo facility was rented from the Cubans

  [01:09.86]and was normally used as sort of a naval and coast guard base for the United States.

  [01:14.31]When we went to war against Afghanistan in 2002,

  [01:17.61]soldiers were picking up what we're called men who were unlawful combatants,

  [01:22.33]who were picked up on the battlefield.

  [01:24.26]And they were sent to Guantanamo in a sort of a hastily arranged agreement

  [01:28.56]so that they might be processed while there.

  [01:30.73]Well, they weren't processed.

  [01:32.07]They stayed there, over the course of the war on terror.

  [01:35.40]Close to a thousand men have been detained at Guantanamo Bay.

  [01:38.97](END VIDEOTAPE)

  [01:39.60]AZUZ: Now the debate.

  [01:41.67]The Obama administration says closing the detention center

  [01:44.98]and transferring the enemy combatants

  [01:46.97]held there would save the U.S. tens of millions of dollars per year.

  [01:50.96]There have been accusations that some of the prisoners at Gitmo

  [01:54.40]had been tortured or mistreated,

  [01:55.67] that the facility is a dangerous symbol, being used abroad to recruit terrorists.

  [02:01.19]And President Obama says keeping the facility opened is contrary to American values.

  [02:07.17]But the administration says it needs congressional approval to shut it down

  [02:11.00]and Republicans and some Democrats have said they're concerned

  [02:14.60] that moving the prisoners to U.S. soil would threaten national security.

  [02:19.48]House Speaker Paul Ryan says moving suspected terrorists to the U.S. is illegal.

  [02:24.18]And American intelligence suspects that dozens of the men

  [02:27.36]who've already been transferred out of Guantanamo have returned to terrorism.

  [02:32.02]Next to India.

  [02:34.26]Almost 80 percent of people there are Hindu,

  [02:36.85]and the controversial caste system used to determine the advantages

  [02:41.12] and disadvantages that different castes or classes would have.

  [02:44.90]That was abolished 67 years ago.

  [02:47.51]And India has implemented programs to give those ones

  [02:50.77] considered members of lower caste advantages and getting jobs and admissions.

  [02:55.55]But it's relatively well-off group that recently protested,

  [02:59.00]blocking highways, burning buildings and looting.

  [03:02.07]They say reverse discrimination has put them in a disadvantage.

  [03:05.79]And though they reached an agreement with the government

  [03:08.50]that ended the protests after 16 people died,

  [03:11.76]the demonstrations disrupted a water station that supplied part of New Delhi.

  [03:16.44](BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)

  [03:17.00]SUMNIMA UDAS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We're at one of 150 water tanker filling stations in New Delhi.

  [03:21.10]Since the crisis begun, they've been operating all day,

  [03:24.45] every five to seven minutes or so of water tanker truck like this one has been arriving.

  [03:29.15]They've been filling it up and going to neighborhoods nearby in the northwest of Delhi.

  [03:35.11]This one is headed to a colony around the corner and we're going to go along and see what happens.

  [03:38.65](voice-over): "We're going to block C4G.

  [03:48.01]We've been getting calls all day for water," he says.

  [03:51.41]As soon as the water tanker arrives,

  [03:54.05]residents emerged from what seems like nowhere, one after another.

  [03:59.50](on camera): Words have spread that the water tanker has arrived.

  [04:03.18]So, we've seen people coming from all over the neighborhood with their buckets,

  [04:06.76]containers like these, even kettles,

  [04:09.19]basically whatever container they have, to fill up as much water they can.

  [04:14.78]They haven't received any water here for the past three days

  [04:17.37]and this is the first time the water tanker has arrived.

  [04:19.67](voice-over): They jostle for space.

  [04:23.09]They argue, as one after the other, to wait on line.

  [04:27.29]The other shouts back, "Don't take more than two buckets.


  [04:31.54]"We can live without a shower, but what about cooking or cleaning our utensils?

  [04:35.80]What about flushing our toilets? It's become so difficult nowadays,

  [04:40.09]every morning, I just dream about water," she says.

  [04:42.88]Seventy-two-year-old Lakshme Ramaswami (ph) has gone back and forth three times already.

  [04:50.08]Anything more than the steel urn would be too heavy.

  [04:53.62]She shows me how she's been storing what's become her prized possession.

  [04:59.85]So, she's been carrying water

  [05:05.30] in these small vessels because she isn't able to carry the big buckets.

  [05:08.58]She's rationing.

  [05:10.00]She doesn't know when the water tanker truck will arrive again.

  [05:13.45]From the elderly to the youngest in the family, everyone pitches in, collecting every last drop.

  [05:21.39]It only took 15 minutes to empty out this track.

  [05:25.59]Now, back to filling station to carry out this routine all over again.

  [05:32.09]Sumnima Udas, CNN, New Delhi.

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