A: This is Word Wise on Language Tips, I’m Marc.
B: Hello, I’m Meggie.
A: Meggie, do you like Liu Xiang, the famous hurdler? I bet you love him.
B: Yes, sure, he’s the pride of China. I think everyone loves him.
A: Well, I heard he just celebrated his 25th birthday. And guess what he did on his birthday?
B: What did he do?
A: He and the Chinese track and field team swore together under the Chinese national flag and signed an anti-doping declaration.
B: Anti-doping? Is that the word for today?
A: Yes, it is. In order to achieve better achievements and earn a big sum of money, many athletes use performance-enhancing drugs, this action is called doping. Anti is a prefix, means against, so anti-doping means against doping.
B: 有些运动员为了取得好成绩,就服用违禁药品,这种行为就是doping。那么反兴奋剂就是anti-doping了。
A: Yes. The International Olympic Committee said the anti-doping effort at the Beijing Summer Games would be more extensiveof any Olympics.
B: Good news. But what if some athletes successfully cheated in the games?
A: Once the truth is discovered, they will be stripped of their medals and punished. Marion Jones, for example, the winner of five medals at the 2000 Olympic Games admitted last year to doping before the Sydney Summer Olympics. Then she accepted a two-year suspension.
B: 可见运动员一旦被发现服用兴奋剂,就会受到严重的惩罚。号称女飞人的琼斯在2007年10月承认在悉尼奥运会前服用了兴奋剂,因此被剥夺了奖牌,另外还被禁赛两年。
A: It’s indeed a bad, bad thing to dope and cheat.
B: Well, many Chinese athletes have signed anti-doping declaration, promising they won’t dope at the Games.
A: I heard the Chinese General Administration of Sports said doping at the Olympic Games would result in a life-time ban for local athletes.
B: Yes. 他们会被终身禁赛。To have a clean team and a clean Games is China's dream.
Let us wish the Beijing Olympic Games a great success.
A: OK. That’s all for today. Join us next time.
B: For more programs, visit our website language.chinadaily.com.cn. Bye-bye.
A: 再见.
《奥运英语听力 Anti-doping 反兴奋剂》由留学群liuxuequn.com编辑整理