Lessons from a feminist paradise on Equal Pay Day
By Christina Hoff Sommers
本文选自2013年4月9日的 American Enterprise Institute
46. Sweden has done more than other nations to close the gender gap, but it continues to exist.
解析:“has done more than other nations”对应第一句“has gone farther than any other nation”, “close the gender gap”对应倒数第二句“close the gender divide”,“it continues to exist”对应最后一句“the divide persists”
47. Sweden is one of the most competitive economies in the world and its people enjoy the greatest life satisfaction.
解析: “one of the most competitive economies in the world”对应第二句 “the world’s third most competitive economy”, “…enjoy the greatest life satisfaction”对应第三句“… also leads the world in life satisfaction and happiness”
48. More American women hold elite job positions in business than Swedish women.
解析: “elite job positions” 对应第一句“elite competitive positions”, “More American…than Swedish women”对应第一句瑞士的政策正在“reducing the number of women in elite positions”,结合后文提到美国的情况,得出更多美国女性拥有高级职位。
49. Swedish family-friendly policies tend to exert a negative influence on women’s career.
解析: “Swedish family-friendly policies”对应第一句“Generous parental leave policies and readily available part-time options”,“a negative influence”指的就是第二句提到的“they appear to weaken it”,这里的it指的是前文提到的“women’s attachment to the workplace” 。
50. The quota system in Sweden ensures women’s better representation in government.
解析: “The quota system in Sweden”对应第四句“an unofficial quota system”,“representation in government” 对应后来提到的“45 percent of positions in the Swedish parliament” 。
51. Though the Swedish model appears workable for most American parents, it may not be accepted by them in its entirely.
解析:“the Swedish model appears workable for most American parents”对应倒数第二句“Swedish system might work well for a majority of American parents”,“may not be accepted by them in its entirely”对应最后一句“unlikely to fully embrace the Swedish model”。
52. Swedish women are allowed the freedom and opportunity to choose their own way of life.
解析:瑞典的女性有更多自由和机会来选择想要的生活。该句直接对应M段倒数第3句话:” the Swedish policies have given them the freedom and opportunity to live the lives they prefer.”
53. Swedish employers are hesitant about hiring women for full-time positions because of the family-friendly policies.
解析:因为家庭友好型政策,瑞典的雇主们在雇佣全职女性时会有顾虑。对应E段第一句话,” they make employers wary of hiring women for full-time positions at all.”句中 they 指的就是family-friendly policies,而be hesitant about是对be wary of的改写。
54. Gender-awareness education is becoming more and more popular in state-subsidized preschools in Sweden.
解析:根据 “Gender-awareness education”对应到A段第3句话:“state-subsidized preschools where, gender-awareness education is increasingly common.” 而 “more and more popular”就是对 “increasingly common”的改写。
55. Some lawmakers in Sweden propose the genderless pronouns be used in the Swedish language.
解析:根据”lawmakers”对应到L段第一句“legislators”,”the genderless pronouns” 对应 “replacing male and female pronouns with a neutral alternative”。