一. 熟悉考试形式,了解考试要求
二. 准备相互介绍的话题
根据大学英语四、六级口语考试大纲的规定,考试第一部分的考试内容为自我介绍以及就Topic Area所涉及的内容进行提问,相当于“热身运动”。其目的是通过考生之间的相互介绍和就Topic Area所涉及的内容进行提问,使考生进入良好的应考状态,以便为以后的group work打下基础。该部分虽然后者无法预知, 但前者,即自我介绍部分,却始终是不变的。因此,考生在参考之前可适当地做一些准备,以便在考试时能够准确而流利地进行交流。
相互介绍的话题内容一般包括姓名、所学专业、业余爱好等。最后可以加上一些表示意愿的结束语。例如I’m glad to know you.或 I’d like to make friends with you. 或It’s very nice to have the chance to meet you.等。另外,不要忘记适当地使用一些礼貌用语,如“Thank you”等。记住人的言语往往是最好的自我介绍信,是能影响考官下结论的最佳方法。注意在做相互介绍时不可以提及所在学校。由于考试中相互介绍所允许的时间平均只有30秒,因此准备的内容不可太多,同时应做到言简意赅。见下例:
My name is Mary. I major in chemistry. My hobby is stamp-collecting and playing chess. I often talk about the knowledge of stamps and the skills of playing chess with my friends. I’m glad to know you and hope to make friends with you so that I can learn something more from you. Thank you.
一. 保持平常心态
1. 把口语考试当作是一次朋友之间的友好谈话。试想一下当你跟朋友交谈时,你会紧张不安吗?
2. 忘记室内正对着你的摄像机。为了保证评分的信度,根据考试中心的要求, 对口试的全过程进行监控,既要录音又要摄像。当你坐在摄像机前时,不要紧张不安地盯着它,好像摄像机随时都会射出子弹似的。摄像机毕竟就是摄像机,你的语言表达能力和水平不会因为它的存在而大打折扣。当然你也不要把摄像机变成抽水机,随着你对它的“密切关注”,而让它抽干了你的宝贵“精华”。
3. 尽量放松自己,自然面对考官及同组考生。 考试时保持神态自若和眼神的直接接触通常被视做是具有良好交流能力和自信的重要标志。这样做虽然并不太难,但并不是每个人都能做到的。如果你的心理始终不能释然,不妨做一下深呼吸,这样你就会感觉好一些。如果你与考官或同组考生进行眼神接触时会产生紧张感,那你不妨在回答问题时看着对方的鼻子。这样从第三者的观察角度来看,与眼神交流的效果相差无几。
二. 与考官打招呼和道别
Good morning. Goodbye.
Good afternoon. Bye
Nice to know you.
How do you do?
三. 把握谈话内容分寸
例 1
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of working in a big company or a small one based on the prompts given below.
例 2
Arguments for and against TV commercials:
From the point of the view of the TV stations
From the point of the view of the TV viewers
From the point of the view of the companies that put up the advertisements
四. 注意表达时语用、语法和句子结构的准确性和多样性
根据考试大纲,理想的语言表达标准是“语法和词汇基本正确,表达过程中词汇丰富、语法结构较为复杂”。为了达到这一标准,考生在口头表述时会应尽可能地向这一标准靠拢,力求做到语用准确,保证词汇的丰富性和语法结构的相对“较为复杂”性,使整个语言的表达显得功底深厚,“丰富多彩”。但是,如果做不到,特别是无法“保证语法结构的相对‘较为复杂”,时切不为了词汇的丰富,语法结构的复杂性而去刻意使用一些偏僻或自己没有把握的词语及复杂的语句。如果所使用的词句过于 繁杂致使对方难以理解,就很难达到交际的目的。
五. 先总括后展开
由于受时间所限,考生在表达自己的观点时往往很难恰当地把握好发言的长度。有时因时间把握不当,考生往往没等表达完自己的观点就被考官打断了。虽说在考试说明强调指出 “don’t mind if I interrupt you” 但在某种程度上会影响考生的情绪。 如果采用先总括,后展开的陈述方法来表达自己的观点,将有助于保证观点表达的完整性。如下例:
Trees are useful to man. They give him shade. They provide him with wood and other
products. They help us to prevent drought and flood. If trees are cut down recklessly, we shall be threatened by the terrible change of atmosphere…. Therefore human beings depend
so much on trees.
一. 使用启转语句
1. I can’t agree more about your opinion on the limitation of the popularity of private cars. So far as I know…
2.It is well known that …
3. Your opinion on… sounds reasonable, but I don’t think I can agree with them all. One of my puzzles is …
4. It would be very interesting to say that …
5. It is a common desire for everyone …”
6. Can we consider it in a different way? For example,…
二. 客气插语
1.Excuse me. Can I say something here?
2.Sorry to interrupt you, but…
3.Can I add something?
4.Excuse me for interrupting, but…
5.May I ask you something?
6.If I could just come in here…
三. 列举事实:
1. To begin with, we may say that …
2. I want to begin by saying…
3. The first thing I want to say is …
4. First of all I must admit…
5. In the first place, I want to say…
6. To start with, I’ll tell you…
1. Next I want to point out that…
2. The next point I want to say is…
3. Another thing is…
4. I want to make one more point:…
5. However, I still hold that…
6. For one thing … For another.../ On one hand… On the other hand…
1. The final point is…
2. Finally, we must remember…
3. The final thing I want to say is…
4. Lastly, you should…
5. Last but not least, we…
6. My conclusion is…
四. 图片描述及观点陈述
1. 画面提示(如图片、图表、照片等);
2. 文字提示(就某主题或给出提示要求,或给出主题讨论范围)
1. From the picture I can see…
2. The picture shows that…
3. According to…
4. As is shown in the picture…
5. We can see from the picture…
1. According to the table, I can see..
2. The table shows that…
3. The figures in the table clearly bring out the differences between…
4. From the differences of the figures in the table, I can infer that…
1. The subject of my card is… This subject involves in two problems. One is… The other is…
2. I’m afraid I don’t quite agree with the opinion that…
3. I quite agree that..
4. There are three points are involved in the subject. The first one is…
五. 进一步表达和换方式表达
That is,… Or I may say…
Namely,… Or rather…
In other words,… Perhaps, I can put it this way…
例如:There are three influences on the completion of the project. That is shortage of manpower, lack of indispensable fund and policy support.
You are clever, quick at learning and good at reflection. In other words, you are college material.
六. 表示异议,以便引出不同观点
1. Perhaps we’re looking at the problem from different viewpoints. My opinion is…
2. I’m afraid I don’t quite agree with you on that point.
3. Well, I don’t mean to have known much about the subject. But the fact is that…
4. Well, judging from your opinion, I could see that your understanding of my viewpoint seems to be somewhat different from my original intention….
5. I’m afraid our different views on the point may come from different angles from which we’re looking at the problem. My idea is mainly…
6. I’m afraid your point of view is somewhat unreasonable. I mean…
七. 修正口误
I’m afraid it is impossible to materialize the design. Well, let me put it in this way: for such a color TV system , both national and international cooperation is very necessary.
该句通过“let me put it in this way:”把绝对的口气改为较客观的口气。再如:
What I have seen is most impressive. However, the principles can not be called very perfect yet --- I mean in regard to the principles in the other less important sides.
该句通过“I mean”缩小了否定的范围。
1. I mean… 6. Well, I was saying…
2. That is to say… 7. Or rather,…
3. In other words,… 8. To be more exact / accurate,…
4. Instead of saying… 9. Let me repeat what I said
5. Sorry, / excuse me… 10. I’ll put it this way…
1.Thank you for your attention. Bye.
2.Thank you very much for your patience. Goodbye.
3.Goodbye. I really enjoy it very much.