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2015-02-14 17:02


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  先说了14世纪lord和tenant之间是啥啥关系,tenant在lord的指示下做blabla的事情(有题目问lord和tenant的关系是啥,我选了tenant在种地方面遵从lord的指使in details这一项),但是作者认为这样的关系是短视的,有啥啥缺点,然后后一段举了个自由民的例子,来和服从lord的佃户进行比较,具体不记得了,anyway,只要记得作者对传统lord和tenant的关系是持批评态度的

  最后一段说得好像是这种关系的问题和危害,反正有一道题问的是作者认为lord对tenant采取的措施是long-term benefit还是short-term benefit还是both,我选了short-term benefit但是long-term是有害的这一项





  第二段开始反驳,说landlord没那么残忍,因为有free tenant的存在,然后开始形容这个free tenant,有哪些权利呀等等。

  第三段开始讲由于free tenant的要求何其高(天啊,农民们你们权利真大呀,中国农民太惨了啊),landlord为了yield to the favorable requirements to tenants,制定了某些某些政策,是这些政策导致了农村的congestion,所以社会发展停滞了。


  lz的选择是:long-term对tenant不好,short-term好(因为这些是favorable to the tenants的)。




  2英国的landlord 和 tenant, 说tenant 很惨,受到landlord的压榨,后来有些人就成为什么free-tenant, 最后为了解决这个问题, landlord又用了什么招,但是该方法也没奏效,而且阻碍了经济的发展。


  [考古] by jackjack251 阅读43英国地主完美匹配原文(已确认)





  p2使用了一个free serf的例子说明以上观点是错误的

  p3说access to land 的变化 才是生产力下降的真正原因


  第一段:传统的观点认为,lord给tenant,特别是serf tenant (隶属于lord的,给其交租纳贡的tenant),带来了极大的经济压力,因为tenant要交很高的税负,要孝敬lord,缺乏人身自由。但是,这一观点是不正确的。因为其一,有很大一部分是nonserf tenant,这些人只要交很低的钱,有很大的自由度,小日子还挺滋润;其二,即便是serf tenant,他们的生活也没有那么糟糕,他们还是有一定自主权的,诸如lord要增加税赋的时候,他们可以提出反对意见,并且有一定的力量。


  这是一篇长阅读,我记得最后一个题目好像是我上面讲到的第二段,问你lord的这些举措是serve了谁的长期or短期利益?我从文章的理解是,serve the short terminterest of tenant but not the long term。大家碰到的话可以再看看。


  Q1: 有主题题

  Q2: 问作者在第二段提到free-tenant的作用

  Q3: 问你lord的这些举措是serve了谁的长期or短期利益?

  答:serve the short term interest of tenant but not the long term。也有答: 短期对领主有利,但不利于长期的经济发展。因为造成乡村的失业。大家小心。





  2)新证据。虽然老观点有着很大的吸引力(作者用了compelling),但是它越来越不能回答近期发现的一些新证据(主题句)。老观点忽视了(overlook)另一个不同于lord和tenant的新人群:free tenant。他们不是serf,不受地主的人身控制,只用按一个较低的fixed rate缴纳租金。最后提到其实tenant也不是原来想的那样软弱无力,他们已经能够组织起来和地主negotiate rate。

  3)进一步的补充。为了应付tenant想多租地扩大自身利益的欲望,地主想出了一系列方法。。。,生词很多,看不太懂。。。结果就是造成巨大的 unemploymentin rural area. 地主的这种做法相当于对经济的一个"brake",阻碍了14世纪的英国经济发展。(有题,说地主的做法对谁有利?选项里都分了从长期看和从短期看,两方面讨论)[推测:短期对领主有利,但不利于长期的经济发展。因为造成乡村的失业]感觉第三段可能是对第一段经济学家的反驳,说这才是阻碍经济发展的真正原因,当然这只是我个人的看法。


  Any analysis ofwhy the early fourteenth-century agrarian economy was so predisposed to'crisis' necessarily requires careful consideration of class and propertyrelations on the land, for, as Robert Brenner and S. H. Rigby have bothemphasized, these could be of decisive importance.7At that time landlordsexercised feudal rights of lordship over their tenants, many of whom were ofservile status and therefore legally subordinate to their lords. This powerrelationship shaped the tenurial relationship between those who owned the landand those who occupied and worked it. Thus it was tenure, as regulated bylandlords, that determined the supply of holdings and the form and level ofrents that were charged. Until recently it was widely believed that feudaltenurial relationships sanctioned and facilitated the extra-economicexploitation of tenants by their lords. Together, the heaviness of rent chargesand the arbitrariness of lordship discouraged and depressed tenant investmentin agriculture.8Meanwhile, lords were more interested in pursuing a feudallifestyle of conspicuous consumption than in enhancing the productivity andprofitability of their estates.9The upshot, it has been claimed, was a viciouscircle of underinvestment, static technology, and low and decliningagricultural productivity.10

  Such pessimisticviews of lords and their relations with their tenants have long exercised acompelling appeal.15 Nevertheless, they have become increasingly difficult toreconcile with a growing body of historical evidence. The preoccupation withserfdom overlooks the numerous free tenants who were exempt from the mostcoercive aspects of lordship.16Free tenants mostly paid fixed and low rents andtheir property rights enjoyed the protection of the royal courts。The more substantial customarytenants were, in fact, relatively well off 。 Many of these tenants certainly paid a proportion of their rent inlabour, but historians, probably because of a modern abhorrence of theinstitution of forced labour, have exaggerated its economic significance. Inreality, only a minority of tenants actually performed labour services, and theaggregate value of rents in cash far exceeded that of rents in kind.21Notwithstanding the much-vaunted powers of lordship, tenants had long beenremarkably effective at opposing efforts by lords to raise rents and increaselabour services in line with rising land values and commodity prices.22They didso by countering seigniorial power with custom and denying that, as tenants,they were obliged to pay their lords anything more than a de facto ground rentfor the land. Tenant right, in fact, often proved more powerful than landlordright.

  As this articleargues, the fact that so many tenants were in such conspicuous economicdifficulties by the early fourteenth century had less to do with feudallordship per se and the supposed oppressions and inequalities of serfdom, thanwith the contradictions and inefficiencies inherent in the coexistence ofcustomary, contractual and commercial relationships. Herein lay the real sourceof the agrarian problem in the early fourteenth century. In so far as lordswere the inadvertent agents of this adverse state of affairs, it was becausetheir dealings with their tenants were typically more compliant than coercive.By yielding to tenant demands for access to land on terms that were sofavourable to the tenants, lords created the preconditions for the subdivisionand subletting that stoked population growth and thereby engendered the ruralcongestion that was the source of so much under- and unemployment, with all thenegative consequences that this implies for labour productivity, livingstandards and purchasing power. This deteriorating situation in the countrysideacted as a brake upon the continued growth of the economy and, from 1315, leftincreasing numbers ever more cruelly exposed to the heightened risk ofenvironmental hazard



  B:传统的观点认为,lord给tenant,特别是serf tenant (隶属于lord的,给其交租纳贡的tenant),带来了极大的经济压力,因为tenant要交很高的税负,要孝敬lord,缺乏人身自由。



  S:因为其一,有很大一部分是non serf tenant,这些人只要交很低的钱,有很大的自由度,小日子还挺滋润;其二,即便是serftenant,他们的生活也没有那么糟糕,他们还是有一定自主权的,诸如lord要增加税赋的时候,他们可以提出反对意见,并且有一定的力量。


  S:但是中世纪的经济还是恶化了,这是为什么呢?究其原因,是因为,为了应付tenant想多租地扩大自身利益的欲望,地主想出了一系列方法。。。,生词很多,看不太懂。。。结果就是造成巨大的 unemploymentin rural area. 地主的这种做法相当于对经济的一个"brake",阻碍了14世纪的英国经济发展。lord在表面上向tenant做了让步使tenant获得短期经济利益,但是从长期来看,lord通过这些举措遏制了人口和经济的发展,并最终带来了社会环境的恶化。





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