2011年08月01日 05时08分,《英语:如何利用网站来学习考研英语[1]》由留学群liuxuequn.com英语编辑整理.
The small amount of rain last year affected the growth of crops.
读完这个句子,意思很清楚:“去年雨水太少,农作物歉收。”按说这就完了,不过突然想起来还应该多看看别的句子,丰富一下。于是去yahoo英文站搜索引擎用关键词 affected rain搜索,得到这样的结果:
1、EPA's Clean Air Markets - Acid Rain Permitting Fact Sheet
Clean Air Markets - Programs and Regulations ... Every emissions source affected by the Acid Rain Program must have a permit ... unit at a the affected source. All affected sources must submit acid rain permit applications to an ...
www.epa.gov/airmarkets/arp/permits/ factsheet.html - 24k - Cached - More from this site
2、Acid Rain
The Acid Rain Report. Trees Affected By Acid Rain. Acid rain is rainfall that has been acidified. Rain is acidified by oxides of sulfur and nitrogen. Acid rain usually has a pH of less than 5.6. ... There are several places around the world affected by acid rain and here are the main ones ...
www.angelfire.com/ks3/ acidrainreport/acid.html - 14k - Cached - More from this site
B baffle,besiege,bestow,betray,blend,boom,boost,boycott,breeze,broaden,burnish,bustle
困惑, 阻碍, 为难
第二步:以 exam baffle为关键词(没有用student作为关键词,是因为对主语限制为student后,得到的结果就非常有限),在yahoo里搜索,得到:
21. In a lecture experiment, we listened to a small unmouted speaker and compared its sound with that when a baffle was attached to the speaker. When there was no baffle, sound waves from the back of the speaker could propagate in the same (forward) direction as waves from the front of the speaker. The wave property that allowed waves from the back to bend around toward the front is called
A. refraction B. diffraction C. deflection D. construction E. interference
不行,再想一个。我们让谁最 baffle?嘿嘿,当然是我们的父母parents了!
改关键词为:parents baffle,再用yahoo搜索(蓝色字体我的试译)
New Methods Can Baffle Parents
By MARILYN BROWN [email protected]
Published: Oct 10, 2004
TAMPA - Little wonder some parents don't recognize much in their children's math homework.
Today's math isn't always about getting a specific answer, but about how you get the answer, Hillsborough educators say.
家长很困惑,他们搞不懂他们孩子的数学作业了??``It's not three plus five is eight anymore,'' says Edie McDermott, a second-grade teacher at Tampa's Cannella Elementary School who has taught for 18 years. ``You learn to look at it a different way.''
The emphasis is on knowing why you are doing math before tackling calculations, says Lia Crawford, Hillsborough County Schools elementary math supervisor.
Teachers use flash cards, but the cards are triangular and require s