

高中英语词汇:高二上学期词汇解析Unit6 Life in the future

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2011-11-05 11:58




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《高二上学期词汇解析Unit6 Life in the future》由留学英语组编辑整理(www.liuxuequn.com)。本内容整理时间为06月03日,如有任何问题请联系我们。

摘要: Word and expressions prediction n. 预言;预报 earthquake [weather] prediction 地震预测 [天气预报] exact adj. completely right正确的;确切的 What is the exact number? 确切的数字是多少? fo




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  • Word and expressions

    prediction n. 预言;预报
    earthquake [weather] prediction 地震预测 [天气预报]
    exact adj. completely right正确的;确切的
    What is the exact number? 确切的数字是多少?
    forecast v. say what you think will happen预言;预测 (forecast, forecasted; forecast, forecasted)
    John forecasts crowded roads at the weekend. 约翰预言周末路上交通很拥挤。
    n. a statement of future events, based on some kind of knowledge or judgment预测;预报
    The weather forecast says there will be rain. 天气预报说要下雨。
    glimpse n. quick, imperfect view (of sth.or sb.); short look (at sth.or sb.)一瞥;一看
    catch/get a glimpse of see someone or something quickly but not clearly一瞥;瞥见
    I got a glimpse of China from the plane. 我从飞机上瞥见中国。
    vt. see someone or something quickly, but not clearly看一下;瞥见
    I just glimpsed the aeroplane between the clouds. 我从云块的缝隙中瞥见了飞机。
    trend n. a general direction or course趋势;走向
    The hills have a western trend. 这些山向西延伸。
    n. a tendency, a drift 趋向;时尚
    the new trend in women's apparel 妇女服装新趋向
    contemporary adj. 当代的;现代的
    contemporary literature [writers] 现代文学 [作家]
    adj. 同时代的[with]
    Byron was contemporary with Wordsworth. 拜伦和渥兹华斯是同时代的人。
    indicate vt. show something; be a sign of something表明;预示;象征
    Snow indicates the coming of winter. 雪象征着冬天的来到。
    urban adj. 都市的;城市的
    urban life 都市生活
    ensure vt. 保证;确保
    The agreement ensured a steady supply of oil. 该协定保证了石油的稳定供给。
    system n. a group of things or ideas which make one related whole 系统;体系
    There is a big underground railway system in London. 伦敦有庞大的地下铁路网。
    n. a particular form of organisation of a society, etc. 制度;体制
    We have established socialist system. 我们已经建立了社会主义制度。
    consumer n.[c] 消费者;用户;客户
    reform vt. make better; improve the condition, character, etc. of改革;改良
    We are going to reform this law. 我们即将改革这个法律。
    n. a change for the better, improvement 改革;改进
    Our society needs reform. 我们的社会正需要改革。
    E-commerce XI n. 电子商业;电子贸易
    keep in touch with 与……保持联系
    necessity n. something we must have必需品
    Food and clothing are necessities. 衣食是必需品。
    n. state of being necessary需要;必要性;必然(性)
    Necessity is the mother of invention. 需要是发明之母。
    crowded adj. full of people, etc拥挤的;塞满的
    The tent was now a bit crowded. 帐篷这时有些挤了。
    goods n. things which you can buy or sell 商品;货物
    The shopkeeper delivered some goods to me this morning.今天早晨店主给我送来了一些货物。
    mall n. 购物中心;步行街
    purchase n. 购买 (的东西)
    make a good [bad] purchase 买得便宜 [贵]
    vt. 购买
    purchase food 购买食物
    tiny adj. very small极小的
    He lived in a tiny cottage. 他住在一所小茅屋里。
    chip n. 芯片;碎屑;薄片
    cash n. coins or paper money; not a cheque现款
    I have no cash with me; may I pay by cheque? 我身边没带钱,可以付支票吗?
    remain vi. stay after a part has gone 剩下;余留下来
    The town was destroyed in the war, but the library remained.
    vi. stay or continue in the same place(人)逗留;留下
    We all went to the theatre except John; he remained at home.
    vi. stay or continue in the same way; not change 保持;继续是
    We must always remain modest and prudent. 我们要永远保持谦虚谨慎。
    pay attention to give attention to 注意
    Our teachers always pay attention to combining theory with practice. 我们的老师们经常注意理论联系实际。
    importance n. power; great value 重要;重要性
    Oil is of great importance to industry. 石油对工业是极为重要的。
    regular adj. happening again and again at the same time, usual 经常的;定期的,
    or at fixed times, etc.; not changing or stopping 有规律的;固定的
    You should eat regular meals. 你应该定时吃饭。
    adj. that follows the usual rule 规则的;正规的
    A period is the regular ending for a sentence. 句点是一个句子之正规的结尾。
    medical adj. of medicine, hospitals, or doctors医学的;医疗的;医生的
    The demand for medical men is urgent right now. 当前迫切需要医务人员。
    deal vt. to manage; to do what is necessary处理;对付 (dealt ; dealt)
    I'll deal your problems later. 我以后再处理你的问题。
    deal with (of affairs) manage 处理
    How will you deal with this matter? 这件事你将如何处理?
    SARS [sA:s] n. (=severe acute respiratory syndrome) 严重急性呼吸道综合症
    smallpox n. 天花
    physician n. a doctor 医生;内科医生
    cure n.[u] becoming well from an illness; making someone well治好;痊愈
    Sports provide a cure for the disease. 运动能治好这种病。
    n.[c] something that will end a problem or an illness 疗法
    Aspirin is a certain cure for a headache. 阿斯匹林是治头痛的妙药。
    v. make a sick person well治愈
    The doctor cured the pain in my back. 医生治好了我的腰疼。
    genetics n. 遗传学
    biochemistry n. 生物化学
    educator n. 教育工作者;教育家
    distance n. the space between two places 距离;远处
    The picture looks better at a distance. 这幅图远看更佳。
    lifelong adj. 毕生的;终身的
    a lifelong friendship [bachelor] 终身的友谊 [单身汉]
    hopeful adj. feeling or giving hope 抱希望的;有希望的
    They feel hopeful about their future. 他们对前途充满希望。
    well-prepared Z adj. 做好准备的
    in store (for) saved for future use; in reserve; on hand; be about to happen贮藏着;准备着;就要到来
    We must keep some of these in store (for next year). 我们得贮存一些(供明年使用)。
    cheat v. do something that is not honest 欺骗;作弊
    They cheated her into marrying him. 他们骗她与他结婚。
    He cheated on (=in) the examination. 他考试作弊。
    n. 欺骗行为 n.[c] someone who is not honest 骗子
    wrist n. the place where the hand joins the arm 腕
    I wear my watch on my wrist. 我把手表戴在手腕上。
    require vt. need something 需要;要求
    The plan requires careful thought. 这计划需要仔细考虑。
    vt. to ask (for) 要求
    All students are required to take this examination. 要求所有的学生都参加这次考试。
    identify vt. say or show who someone is or what something is认出;识别;鉴定
    Can you identify your brother in this picture? 你能在这张照片上认出你哥哥吗?
    Program(me) vt. 制作…的节目;计划
    old-fashioned adj. 老式的;过时的
    reality n. what is true现实;实际;真实
    This is not imagination but reality. 这不是空想,而是现实。
    imitate v. copy someone or something; try to do the same as someone or something else模仿;仿效
    A parrot imitates the human voice. 鹦鹉模仿人说话的声音。
    v. make a likeness of; make or do something closely resembling; reproduce仿制
    The workers imitate a diamond with crystal. 工人们用水晶仿造钻石。
    virtual adj.实质上的;事实上的;实际上的
    He was the virtual leader of the movement. 他是该运动实际上的领袖。
    absurd adj. 荒谬的;不合理的
    an absurd claim 一个荒谬的/不合理的要求
    lifelike adj. 栩栩如生的;逼真的
    definition n. group of words that tell what another word means定义;解释;限定
    You should give a definition. 你应该下个定义。

    课程名称 课时 课程价格 视频解读 在线选课 暑期班高中一年级英语十次课学完高一上(尖子) 10 1670 暑期班高中二年级英语目标清华北大班 10 1670 暑期班高中三年级英语尖子班 10 1670 暑期班高中组英语词汇4000特训班 10 1120 暑期班高中组英语高考语法特训班 10 1120


    《高二上学期词汇解析Unit6 Life in the future》由留学英语组编辑整理(www.liuxuequn.com)

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