摘要: 了解世界历史,同时提高英语听力水平。经典历史新闻,与您一起回顾尘封的过去!取材于美联社官方网站的历史新闻视频,时长约为一分钟左右。所收集的历史新闻都是当年轰动全球的新闻,语言简练,知识性强,绝对是您练
Mar 8th, 1965, about 3500 US marines are the first American (1) __ __ to arrive in South Vietnam. Associated Press photographer Eddie Adams is (2) __ __ __. “The marines are high. They are dedicated. They have to help the Vietnamese today to find a better way of life.”
1917, start of the Russian Revolution, as (3) __ __ __ break out in St. Petersburg, capital of the Russian empire. By the end of the year, Vladimir Lenin and his Bolsheviks (4) __ power eventually forming the Soviet union .
(5)句子听写_____________Wen Ho Lee ____________Los Alamos ____________________________
And finally also the same year, “Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you “, baseball (6)___________ Joe DiMaggio also known as the Yankee Clipper dies of (7)____ at age 84.
(1) combat troops(2) on the scene(3) rioting and strikes(4) seize
(5) 1999,Nuclear scientist Wen Ho Lee is fired from his job at Los Alamos National laboratory in New Mexico because of alleged security violations.
(6) Hall of Famer(7) cancer
《看世界历史练听力 NO.31俄国革命爆发》由英语编辑整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxuequn.com/english/