将蚕茧抽出蚕丝的工艺称为缫丝。原始的缫丝方法,是将蚕茧浸在热盆汤中,用手抽丝,卷绕于丝筐上。汉族劳动人民发明了养蚕缫丝、织绸刺绣的技术。传说黄帝之妻、西陵氏之女嫘祖,教民育蚕治丝茧,以供衣服。 距今约7000年至5000年前的仰韶文化遗址中已出土纺轮,用来纺丝和麻。汉代发明纺车,初为缫丝卷线,后来用于纺棉,13世纪传入欧洲。
Silk Extraction
Silk extraction is the art of extracting raw silk from a silkworm’s cocoon. The original method of silk extraction was to soak the cocoon in boiling water, and take the silk off by hand by winding it around a basket. Laborers in the Han dynasty perfected the techniques of raising silkworms and silk extraction as well as silk embroidery. Legend has it that the Yellow Emperor's wife, Luo Tsu, discovered a silk cocoon and its ability to be used as clothing. As far back as 5000-7000 years ago, spinning wheels for silk and hemp extraction were used. Archeologists have found these machines and many other ancient cultural artifacts in the ancient ruins of Yang Shao. During the Han dynasty, the spinning wheel was first invented to extract silk and then used to spin cotton. This invention spread over to Europe in the 13th century.