1. 我们跟着老师进了教室.
We entered the classroom, following our teacher.
2. 我们当时坐在窗户边谈论着昨天发生的事。
We sat by the window, talking about what had happened the day before.
3. 这个保安员认为杰克逊先生是个贼,转过身来抓住了他。
Thinking that Mr. Jackson was a thief, the guard turned around and caught him.
4. Helen那天向我借了一本字典,并说很快会还给我。
Helen borrowed a dictionary from me, saying that she would return it to me soon.
5. 我因病待在家里。
Being ill, I had to stay at home.
6. 登到了山顶,我们看到了一片壮丽的景色。
Climbing to the top of the mountain, I saw a beautiful scene.
He went out, shutting the door from behind.
8. 那是个愤怒的人指着布告说,”难道你们不会看么?”
“ Can’t you read?” the man said, angrily pointing to the notice.
9. 住在偏僻的乡下,他们对外界发生的事知之甚少.
Living in the lonely countryside, they know little about the outside world.
10. 铃声响了,宣布下课了。
The bell rang, announcing the end of class.
1. 他气喘吁吁地(breathe heavily)地跑到她跟前。
He ran up to her, breathing heavily.
2. 他躺在那里撒谎说前天鸡子下的蛋已经放在篮子里了。
He lay there lying that the eggs laid by the hens the day before yesterday had been laid in the basket.
3. 他靠墙站着。
He stood there leaning against the wall.
4. 妈妈给我量了体温发现我正发烧。
Having taken my temperature, my mother found I was having a high fever.
5. 因为生病了,明天我不能去上学。
Being ill,I can’t go to school tomorrow.
6. 干完活后,我们休息了一下。
Having finished the work, I had a rest. With the work done, I had a rest.
Having been shown around the lab, we were taken to see the library.
8. 他由于没做完功课就不出去玩。
Not having finished his lessons, he won’t go out to play.
9. 以前未和他见过面,我不知道她是啥模样。
Not having met him before, I don’t know what she looks like.
10. 作业未做完他就回家了。
Not having finished his homework, he went out to play.