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  The number of Muslims worldwide is estimated to bein excess of one billion, making Islam the largestfaith community after Christianity. Of this numberthe overwhelming majority would identifythemselves as Sunni2 Muslims whilst about 15 percent follow a variety of Shiah3 Muslim persuasions.The Arabic word islam means the willingrecognition of and active submission to the guiding command of the One God, Allah4.Whoever acts in this manner is called a muslim, one who acknowledges and submits to the sole, unique God. The Islamic tradition or din( a word which conveys the sense of obedienceclosely related to islam ) is founded upon the guiding command of Allah as contained in theKoran5 . Muslims hold the Koran to be the word of God delivered to Muhammad6, God’s electedmessenger. The revelations were received in just over a twenty-year period , first in Mecca7 ,the Prophet’s birthplace , and later in Medina8 where the first community was established.Both these cities are in present day Saudi Arabia and are regarded by all Muslims as the centralholy places of their faith.

  A Muslim must make formal prayers each day at five appointed times: at daybreak, at noon, inmidafternoon, at sunset and after nightfall. The mosque is the place of public worship in Islam.If a mosque is too far away, a Muslim may pray in his own home or elsewhere on a specialprayer rug or mat. He takes formal postures for each statement in the prayer, until heachieves full prostration in the direction of Mecca. Mecca is the holy city and the center ofworship for Muslims. It is not only because Mecca is the birthplace of Muhammad, but alsobecause there exist the Kaaba 9— the holiest shrine, and the Black Stone. It is believed thatthe Kaaba was built by Abraham and the Stone was brought out of Paradise by Adam. Everyyear numerous pilgrims go to Mecca to pay homage. Thus the word“Mecca”has come intoEnglish language, meaning“place one aspires to visit”


  Ⅰ. Are the sestatements True or False according to the article ?

  1. Shiah is the biggest sect of Islam.

  2. Muhammad founded the religion of Islam and he was the messenger of Allah.

  3. Every Muslim must go to mosque every day to say his prayers. )

  Ⅱ. Translate the Chinese into English , using the word or phrase in paren theses :

  1. 花钱切勿超过你的收入。( in excess of) 2. 他拒绝服从不公正的决定。( submit to) 3. 我们对莎士比亚的天才表示敬仰。( pay homage to)


  Ⅰ. 1. F 2. T 3 . F

  Ⅱ. 1. Never spend in excess of your income. 2. Herefused to submit to an unjust decision. 3. We payhomage to the genius of Shakespeare.


  伊 斯 兰 教

世界各地的穆 斯 林加起来总数估计超过十亿, 这个数量使伊 斯 兰 教成为基 督 教之后世 界第二大宗教组织。伊 斯 兰 教中绝大多数人认为自己是逊尼派教徒, 而约15% 的伊 斯 兰 教徒则归属于各种什叶穆 斯 林宗派。阿拉伯语中islam 这个词意为对唯一的神——— 真 主的 统率的主动认可和主动顺从。承认并顺从这个至高无上的神的人就被称为穆 斯 林。伊斯 兰教的传统, 或称为din ( 该词表达的顺从的意思与islam 的意思紧密相关) , 是基于真 主的 统率而建立的, 全部写在《可兰经》里。穆 斯 林认为《可兰经》是上帝传达给穆 罕 默 德的旨 意, 穆 罕 默 德是上帝的使者。真 主将他的旨意传给穆 罕 默 德只用了二十多年的时间, 先是 在麦加, 麦加是这位先知的出生地, 后来又在麦地那, 穆 罕 默 德在那里创立了第一个教派。 现在这两座城市都属于沙特阿拉伯, 它们已成为所有穆 斯 林心中最神圣的地方。

  穆 斯 林每天要在五个指定的时间做正式祷告: 黎明、中午、下午3 点左右、黄昏和夜里。 清 真 寺是伊 斯 兰 教徒集体做礼拜的地方。如果清 真 寺离自己太远, 那么穆 斯 林可以在家里 或其他地方站在一种专门用来祷告的特制地毯或垫子上进行祷告。穆 斯 林祷告时每说一 句话都要作出一些正式的姿势, 直到面向麦加完全拜倒在地为止。对穆 斯 林来说, 麦加是 神圣的城市, 是他们朝拜的中心。这不仅因为麦加是穆 罕 默 德出生的地方, 还因为那里有 最神圣的圣堂——— 天房和神圣黑石。 穆 斯 林相信天房是由亚伯拉罕建造的, 而神圣黑石则 是由亚当从伊甸园里搬来的。每年都有众多的朝圣者去麦加朝拜。因此,“ 麦加”这个词 后来就被收入英语, 引申为“ 人们渴望拜访的地方。


  Christianity began life as a Jewish sect. Far fromattempting to find a new religion, the first Christiansviewed themselves as Jews following the teachings ofthe Jewish Messiah . It was only later, after manynon-Jews converted, that Christianity became areligion distinct from Judaism.

  Although Christianity shares much with Judaism,these two faiths differ significantly with respect to such fundamental issues as God’srelationship with humanity. The central motif through which this relationship has beenunderstood in both traditions is that of a covenant or contract. In Hebrew scriptures ( the old Testament) , God offers a special relationship with his chosen people — the Jews through acontract that specifies the terms of this relationship . The details of this arrangement havebeen modified and expanded from time to time, in a series of covenants with Noah, Abraham,and Moses. The most well known of these contracts is God’s agreement with Moses on Mt.Sinai, the Ten Commandments5.

  In the Christian understanding of covenant theology, God offers humanity a new contract —the New Testament6— as revealed in the person and teaching of Jesus. Unlike previouscovenants, the new covenant refers to the eternal fate of individuals rather than to theworldly fate of the nation of Israel. Also, rather than being offered only to Jews, the newcontract is offered to humanity as a whole . Individual salvation and the question of howthat salvation can be achieved is a dominant theme of traditional Christianity.

  Salvation, according to this tradition, is necessary because otherwise the individual iscondemned to spend eternity in hell8 , a place of eternal punishment. Born into sin, thesentence of eternal damnation is the fate of every person unless she or he is saved from thisfate by being“ born again ”through faith in Jesus Christ. All other doctrines are built around awarning of condemnation and a redeeming message of redemption. As the core doctrine, itwould be natural that arguments over soteriology ( one’s theory of redemption) would lead toreligions schisms. Disagreement over competing notions of salvation led to the split betweenCatholicism and Protestantism.

  Given the stark contrast between heaven and hell as eternal abodes of the soul, seriousthinkers have had to grapple with the question —What happens to people who, while notsaints, nevertheless are generally good people who have never committed any major sins intheir lives? Reflection on this problem led to the development of purgatory, an intermediaterealm between heaven and hell. In purgatory, souls are tortured for their sins, but areeventually released and allowed to enter heaven.


  Tra nslate Chinese in to English, to lea rn more a bout th e or igina l sin: God created theheavens, earth and all kinds of animals, including two men —Adam and Eve. They could eat fromany tree, except one, in the Garden of Eden. _____________( 在上帝创造的所有动物之中, 毒蛇是最狡诈的。)“Did God really tell you not to eat from any of the trees in the garden?”The serpentasked Eve .“We may eat the fruit of any tree _____________( 除伊甸园中间那棵树上的果实之外) .God had even said,‘You shall not eat it or even touch it, otherwise you die. ’”But the serpenttold Eve ,“Of course you will not die! God knows well that the moment you eat of it your eyeswill be opened and _____________( 你们就会像上帝一样区分出善恶) . ”Eve saw the tree was goodfor good, pleasing to the eyes and desirable for gaining wisdom. So she took some of its fruitand ate it. Then she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate it, too. Then,the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked._____________( 于是他们就把树叶缝在一起, 制成衣服。) When God came, they hid themselves among the trees of thegarden.“Where are you?”the God asked.“ I heard you in the garden; but I am afraid. _____________( 因为我没有穿衣 服, 所以我躲了起来。) ”answered Adam. It was just then Godlearnt that they had eaten the fruit of the tree in the middle . God was very angry and banishedthem from the Garden of Eden.


  Of all the animals that God had made, the serpentwas the most cunning. except the fruit of the treein the middle of the Garden of Eden you will be likeGods who know what is good and what is bad Sothey sewed leaves together and made clothes forthemselves. Because I was naked, I hid myself.


  基 督 教

  基 督教 开始的时候只是犹 太 教的一个分支。最早的基 督 教徒根本没想过创办新的宗 教, 他们自视为追随犹 太 教弥赛亚的教义的犹太人。只是后来在许多非犹太人改变信仰之 后, 基 督 教才脱离犹 太 教, 自成一体。

  尽管基 督 教与犹 太 教具有很多共同点, 但这两个宗教在像上帝与人的关系等基本问题 上差别明显。在基 督 教和犹 太 教这两种传统中, 理解上帝与人的关系需要依赖圣约, 或“ 约 书”中的主旨。在希伯来人的经典著作《旧约全书》里, 上帝与他的选民——— 犹太人之间通 过约书保持着特殊的关系, 这本约书详细说明了这种关系的条件。这一安排的具体内容在 一系列与诺亚、亚伯拉罕和摩西达成的圣约里不时地被更改和扩充。这些约书中最出名的 是上帝与摩西在西奈山上达成的协议———《十诫》。

  基 督 教徒对圣约神学的理解是, 上帝赐给人类一份新约书———《新约全书》, 该约书通 过基 督本人以及他的教诲得以昭示。不像从前的圣约那样,《新约》讲述的是个人永恒的 命运, 而不是以色列国世俗的命运。同样, 新约的接受对象不再只是犹太人, 而是全人类。 个人的救赎以及灵魂如何能被拯救是传统基 督 教的主题。

  按照这一传统, 救赎对基 督 教教徒非常必要, 因为如果不对灵魂进行拯救, 人就会被打 进地狱, 永世不得超生, 在地狱永远都要受到惩罚。人生下来就有罪过, 每个人都注定要永 远受到惩罚, 除非我们信仰基 督耶 稣, 才能获得“ 重生”, 摆脱这种命运。所有其他教旨都 是围绕惩罚的警告和救赎的启示展开的。“ 耶 稣救世学”被作为核心教旨, 对耶 稣救世学 的争论必然导致教会的分裂。对不同救赎主张的争执导致了天 主 教和新教之间的决裂。

  考虑到作为灵魂永久居所的天堂和地狱之间鲜明的对比, 一些严肃的思想家只得努 力解决以下问题: 对于那些既非圣人、一生中又没犯过什么大的过失、本性善良的人来 说, 他们怎么办? 对该问题的反思导致了炼狱理论的产生, 炼狱是介于天堂和地狱之间 的中间地带。在炼狱里, 灵魂因人的罪恶受到折磨, 但人最终还是得以赦免, 从而进入 天堂。


















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