Weekly Address: The President's Year of Action
WASHINGTON, DC – In this week’s address, the Presidentprovided an update on the work his Administration has done tostrengthen the economy and expand opportunity forhardworking Americans in this Year of Action. While Republicansin Congress are setting records in obstruction, the President ismaking progress for the American people and has taken morethan 20 executive actions since January. The President vowed to continue taking action on hisown wherever possible, but underscored that much more progress could be made if Republicans inCongress were less interested in stacking the deck in favor of those at the top, and moreinterested in expanding opportunity for all.
Hi, everybody. My number one priority as President is doing whatever I can to create more jobsand opportunity for hardworking families. And yesterday, we learned that businesses added273,000 jobs last month. All told, our businesses have now created 9.2 million new jobs over 50consecutive months of job growth.
But we need to keep going – to create more good jobs, and give middle-class families a sense ofsecurity. And I want to work with Congress to do it.
But so far this year, Republicans in Congress have blocked or voted down every serious idea tocreate jobs and strengthen the middle class. They’ve said “no” to raising the minimum wage, “no”to equal pay for equal work, and “no” to restoring the unemployment insurance they let expire formore than two million Americans looking for a new job.
That’s not what we need right now. Not when there are still too many folks out of work and toomany families working harder than ever just to get by.
That’s why, in my State of the union Address, I said that in this Year of Action, whenever I can acton my own to create jobs and expand opportunity for more Americans, I will. And since January,I’ve taken more than 20 executive actions to do just that.
I acted to raise more workers’ wages by requiring that workers on new federal contracts earn a fairwage of at least $10.10 an hour – and as long as Republicans in Congress refuse to act, I’ll keepworking with cities, states, and businesses to give more Americans a raise. I acted to encouragemore pay transparency and strengthen enforcement of equal pay laws, so that more women havethe tools they need to earn fair pay. And I’m modernizing regulations to make sure that moreAmericans who work overtime get the pay that they’ve earned. I’ve launched new hubs to helpattract more high-tech manufacturing jobs to America – and ordered a reform of job trainingprograms to make sure more Americans can earn the skills that employers need right now. I’vebrought together business leaders to help us connect more classrooms to high-speed internet, andgive more of the long-term unemployed a better shot at finding a job.
Each of these steps will make a difference. You can check out the full list at whitehouse.gov.
But we could do a lot more if Republicans in Congress were less interested in stacking the deck infavor of those at the top, and more interested in growing the economy for everybody. They’venow voted more than 50 times to take apart the Affordable Care Act – imagine if they voted 50times on serious jobs bills.
That’s why I’m going to take action on my own wherever I can. To grow our economy from themiddle-out, not the top down. To give every American who works hard a chance to get ahead.
That’s what this Year of Action is all about, and that’s what I’m going to keep fighting for.
Thanks, and have a great weekend.