On Students'Interpersonal Relationship
Positive interpersonal relationships are vital for optimal humsit growth and development. However, in recent years, educators have expressed their concern about the ability of interpersonal relationship among students in institutions of higher education.
According to a survey conducted by Hebei University, many college-age students regard interpersonal relationship as the biggest headache. Increasing diversity and rapid changes m our society make interacting with others more and more complex and difficult. With 1 united life experiences and social skills, college students face more challenges in dealing with interpersonal relationship. This is especially true for students coming from rural areas. Because of the lack of social skills, they are often rejected by others _ and rejection gives them even fewer chances to leam how to interact with others.
In my opinion, now that interpersonal relationship is important to students* devclopmentj colleges should offer courses about comprehensive interpersonal relationships. The course should address the knowledge,skills, attitudes and behaviors involved in participating in positive relationships in the family and with individuals at school, m the conununity and in the workplace.
1,Studying in Sydney, Australia
Australia—Attractive to International Students
Australia has been a popular choice for thousands of international students over many years. Australia’s universities and colleges have become increasingly recognized overseas for their exceptionally high standard. In addition, Australia is conveniently close to South-East Asia (Jakarta, the capital of Australia’s closest Asian neighbor, Indonesia, is only 5506 kilometers from Sydney.) Revised entry procedures for overseas students have made it possible for an increasing number to study in Australia. Sydney the largest Australian city, is the principle port of call for international airlines with services operating to Australia.
Sydney --- Location and History
Named after an ex-Governor of New South Wales, Sydney is the State’s capital city. Located on the south-east coast of Australia in the temperate zone, it enjoys a mild climate, averaging 14.5 hours of sunshine per day in summer and 10.25 hours in winter. It is also the largest, oldest and perhaps most beautifully situated city in Australia. First established by the British as a convict settlement in 1788, it is a modern cosmopolitan city that has developed into one of the nation’s major industrial, business, and manufacturing centre.
The Harbour and Surrounding Suburbs
Sydney is home to nearly 4.4 million people (as of 1997). The suburbs reach out from the city centre and harbor some 55 km to the north, 35km to the west and 30 km to the south, creating a metropolitan area of about 3000 square kilometers. The 57 square kilometer harbor is one of the largest in the world, and famous for the unmistakable 134 meter high arch of the Harbor Bridge and the graceful sails of the Opera House. It is a busy waterway with ferries, freighters and pleasure craft.
Residential Inner – City Suburbs
Not far from the city centre are the attractive old residential suburbs of Balmain, Glebe, and Paddington, where many people live in smart terraced houses. Art galleries, pubs, and restaurants abound in the cosy streets that tend to be quite narrow, whereas the suburbs surrounding the city’s colleges and universities consist mainly of family homes and multi-unit blocks – and ideal situation for students looking for a homestay, or to rent. Sydney’s newer suburbs now have a large multicultural population, and local shopping centres reflect the influences of many cultures.
The Cultural Climate
Sydney is home to the State Art Gallery of New South Wales, the State Conservatorium of Music, the Australian Opera, the Sydney Dance Company, and the Australian Ballet. The world-class Sydney Symphony Orchestra offers superb classical music all year round. Local theatre is innovative and well-supported, and large-scale overseas productions tour regularly.
Entertainment for Young and Old
As well as scores of cinemas and theatres throughout the city and suburbs, there are numerous clubs which appeal to people of all ages, and cater for all tastes. Pubs are the venue for smaller modern bands, while the big-name popular music artists, both local and international, attract capacity audiences at the huge Entertainment Centre in the heart of the city.
Dining Out
In Sydney, a vast array of ethnic and local restaurants can be found to suit everybody. In summer, café patrons often sit outside at tables under umbrellas, and enjoy the passing parade of shoppers. Students who prefer to cook at home can choose from several large weekend markets, where fresh fruit, fish, and vegetables may be bought more cheaply than at the local supermarket. Sydney also has its own Chinatown.
Shopper’s Delight
In the heart of the city are several big department stores linked by enclosed over-the-street crossings and underground walkways. Most noticeable are the towering Centrepoint complx and the Queen Victoria Building, both containing many shopping arcades, coffee shops and restaurants. Out of town, in the suburbs, there are huge regional shopping centres. At the weekend markets, bargains can be had when shopping for clothing as well as for a wide range of assorted goods.
Sporting Facilities
Australia is recognized as one of the most sports-conscious nations in the world. Sydney boasts an impressive number of facilities for all types of indoor and outdoor sporting activities. Wherever one goes, there are golf courses, cricket pitches, football ovals, tennis and squash courts, and, of course, indoor and outdoor swimming pools. Avid ice-skating and ten-pin bowling fans will find that these activities are also popular and inexpensive.
Whatever a student is interested in, it is certain to be available somewhere in Sydney. Outside the colleges and universities the scope for filling the leisure hours is enormous while on campus the choice is equally varied.
1. Since more and more international students study in Australia, entry procedures have been revised.
2. Sydney was first established as a settlement for convicted criminals.
3. Sydney is home to a large number of people from other countries.
4. The streets of Paddington are not very wide and contain houses arranged in rows.
5. Large-scale overseas productions are rarely shown in local small theatres.
6. The Entertainment Centre is only for international popular music artists who attract large audiences.
7. Vegetables may be bought more cheaply in large weekend markets.
8. When shopping for clothing or other goods in weekend markets, you can _____ with sellers.
9. Australia is famous as one of the most _______ nations in the world.
10. This passage aims to help _____ to adapt to life in Sydney.