据说如果地球上真有人间仙境,九寨沟(Jiuzhaigou Valley)—定是其中之一。它有梦境般的风景:蓝色的湖泊、瀑布、翠绿的森林、白雪皑皑的山脉,还有藏族和羌族人民(theTibetan and Qiang peoples)的民间习俗。九寨沟不仅仅有壮观的景色,还是九个藏族村寨的居住地,还有超过220种鸟类以及许多濒临灭绝的动植物物种。它在1992年被联合国教科文组织宣布为世界文化遗产。九寨沟一年四季的美景使它成为中国最著名的景点之一。
It is said that if there should be wonderlands on theearth, Jiuzhaigou Valley must be one of them. It hasdreamlike scenery, which combines bluelakes,waterfalls, verdant forests, snow-coveredmountains, and the folk customs of the Tibetan andQiang peoples. More than just spectacular scenery, Jiuzhaigou Valley is home to nine Tibetanvillages, over 220 bird species as well as a number of endangered plant and animal species.Jiuzhaigou Valley was declared a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site in 1992. It providesspectacular scenery throughout four seasons of the year, making it one of China's most well-known scenic sites.
All the beauty of Jiuzhaigou is endowed by nature. If the natural charm were removed, there would be no more of Jiuzhaigou.Mystic lakes and sparkling waterfalls captivate your eyes as you enter the ravine.The trees are their greenest in spring when intensified by colorful flowers.In summer, warm tints spread over the hills and lakelands.As summer merges into autumn, the maple trees turn fiery-red, splashing color through the thickly forested hills. Tranquility pervades primitive Jiuzhaigou throughout the year.